Overstock.com CEO and Cryptocurrency Advocate Resigns - Says Corrupt FBI Agent Tricked Him Into Espionage Against Trump, Clinton....

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[Breaking story, still developing] - Today Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne resigned, claiming the scandal he's about to expose will make him a target, and that he doesn't want them to 'bring down the company with him'.

The vague details he's given so far begins with him receiving instructions from now fired FBI agent Peter Strzok, a name many will recognize as the agent who's text messages were exposed, and in them he talked about having an 'insurance policy' to prevent Donald Trump from being elected.

However, Byrne claims the operation he was involved in targeted multiple candidates from both parties, including Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio.

Somewhere in all of this, is a Russian agent Byrne was romantically involved with in the past, and was asked if he could 'rekindle' the relationship with her.

"The instructions came from the top" he added, when asked if he meant the Obama administration, he says yes.

The Trump Justice Department currently has an investigation underway into FBI actions during the Obama adminstration. He says Trump's attorney general has been given detailed information.

Byrne says he will be releasing full details online soon.

Under his leadership, Overstock.com was considered the first 'major retailer' to accept cryptocurrency.

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