McAfee's Presidential campaign moves forward, announces official campaign song - but is it all just a publicity stunt? The campaign says... yes, it is.

John McAfee is to cryptocurrency, as Charlie Sheen is to acting.   That's the best way I've been able explain it to friends asking 'isn't that the anti-virus guy?' after discovering his involvement in the cryptocurrency world shortly after joining it themselves.

He's wild, unpredictable, and taking him too seriously is just as bad as hating him - there's no good reason to do either.

The announcement of his candidacy came in June of last year and the campaign has been slowly progressing since then, not that there's any reason to rush.  McAfee is actually way ahead, announcing his run nearly 6 months before any Democrat announced their intentions to take on Trump in 2020.

This month he launched his official campaign site, and selected his official campaign song following entries from the public. The winners - crypto rap group the Coinbros!  McAfee says:

 "This will be the song that plays as I enter debates, at my rallies, at the beginning of podcasts etc. An awesome song. Thank you Coinsbros..."

I confess - the song is stuck in my head, these guys are actually pretty good. Take a listen:

So what's next for McAfee and his campaign?  He hopes to win the libertarian party nomination and make it to the debates - where he says he'll only talk about cryptocurrency!

 “Do not ask me about immigration, foreign relations, education etc. I have no idea. Those claiming that they do are lying to themselves, or if not, they are purposely lying to you."

He keeps this blunt honesty going when discussing the end goal too, saying:

"I don’t want to be president. I couldn’t be ... no one’s going to elect me president, please God."

The guys behind the song have some others worth checking out too, we spoke to them to find out where people can hear more of their crypto-based hiphop:

"You can find us on YouTube and Soundcloud."

...and what else they have planned for 2019:

"We plan on releasing much more music and music videos. We're going to continue focusing on the Coinbros brand and pushing cryptocurrency to the forefront. Also we will be heavily involved in the tunetrade platform. We believe that 2019 will be a great year for the cryptocurrency movement."

You can visit the McAfee 2020 campaign site at
Author: Mark Pippen
London News Desk