Ethereum 2.0 Staking Now Available - Stake ETH 2.0 And Earn PASSIVE Income...

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Ethereum 2.0 Staking - Stake ETH 2.0

One of the biggest changes to Ethereum with Ethereum 2.0 is the introduction of staking - allowing people to now earn income from the coins they would otherwise have sitting in their wallet.

Staking ETH allows someone to become an Ethereum validator, what was once known as mining.  However, with the change to Proof Of Stake on the Etheruem 2.0 blockchain, mining is replaced by staking coins.

Current earnings estimate is 13.49% APR just from staking the Ethereum you would be HODLing anyway!

Typically You Would Need 32 ETH To Do This, But Not Here...

Staking good for the health of the Ethereum ecosystem. You help secure the network, process transactions, and like miners, earn rewards in the process.

Now you can bypass the 32 coin limit by Staking at KuCoin Exchange, where they will automatically team you up with other ETH holders to reach the 32 ETH requirement. 

Click here to join KuCoin and begin earning!

Author: Oliver Redding
Seattle Newsdesk / Ethereum 2.0 Staking

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